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Integrating New Rooster Day 1.
Introducing New CHICKENS To Our Existing Flock (Using Two Methods)
Watch This BEFORE Adding More Chickens - How To Introduce NEW CHICKENS To Your Flock
How To Introduce a Rooster To A New Flock Of Hens!
Introducing New Banty Rooster To Flock: Part 1 of 2
Introducing a NEW ROOSTER to the Flock...Johnny CASH Ain't Havin' IT!
How I’m Introducing New Roosters into my Rooster Coop🐓
We're DOING IT AGAIN! Introducing a New ROOSTER to the Flock, PART 1
How to SAFELY Add Young Chickens to Your Existing Flock
Introducing a New Rooster into the Flock
Introducing new rooster to the flock
Introducing new rooster to the flock